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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Had a time of brainstorming with shareen & elyse for the camp deco this morning. Seems like idea can't get out from my mind, don't know why!! Thank God for elyse, she is actually a very creative gal.She love designing stuffs, scrapping art....hey gal, go ahead, I believe you have the talent!!! Next time, deco can find you haha...

After everything, we went to watch a movie, Spiderwick!!! Although the poster look abit kiddish, but the story plot, I could said is quite nice!!! I never imagine that big ferice beast will die in that way...haha...Really enjoy the time spend with elyse shopping at spotlight and the movie....Yeah the unit hurddlefor camp... Let see arete camp...

Interviewer: Are U excited for the upcoming camp??
Me: yeah yeah,,,of course!!! I can do alot of stuff down there...
Interviewer: What stuff??
Me: U see...camp is a time where we are not distracted by work, by the busy surrounding. A time where I can get to know alot of other plp. and...and... breakthru...
Interviewer: So r u ready for the camp??
Me: of course....yes la!!! ...U gonna see it for urself!!!!
Interviewer: Thank u for ur time. Come on with ur gear ready!!! C u there...

This is my 2nd of MC which means my work is piling up. Oh no...
I just receive a call from my ex-manager, and I got to know there's something happening
in my office.It's about the web design again... Sinclair one of my web designer, I like working with her alot.Although we didn't met up before, she's a responsible, nice & creative person. Though she might miss out some of the stuff, she is still fast in completeing her job. Seems like my colleguage seems to get fed up with her . I do understand her stand & my colleguage stand..To said the truth, i got a bit stress up by this..As I'm soft sometimes...Thank God for talking to myex-manager, i got clear up with stuff. Now I gonna plan well my time for my job...as in the task!!!Yeah....gambatae!!!

Lord I pray for your guidance for my path.
I pray for your wisdom to speak & handle things wisely.
I pray for that peace & joy, when I face the things that against the norm.
I pray for your strength to walk on this tough time.
I pray oh Lord, open my spiritual eyes to see, my spiritual ears to hear.
I want to get more of you, more of you.....Amen!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Awaiting for something exciting

Welcome the cute & fun sister..Our miss huirU & miss Jolene!!


The national day eyes---red & white!!

Seems like clinic is doing more services!!!!

a noob day
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Had an...mmmm...interesting yet abit boring day today!!
I woke up with an feeling so tense up. My heart, there's a cry, there's
a knot..I'm just so suffocated by that!!! What is it?? I dunno, still seeking & searching...
Got up early today, to do some cleaning & stuff...& headed off to
meet the others for rehersal at Shawn's place. Ha...we did our deco
for the props. Ended up the place got abit messy. I had fun doing
the props with Jolene, HuiRu & of course my beloved sheep elyse!!
Had fun chatting & with all the sudden random question asked....
The rehersal kinda went fine...although I didn't join for the 1st half,
but kinda enjoy the rest. The firlty look Jorris, the fearful & sad Jeremy,
the mean Shawn, the 4 r&b gangster, and the rest...well though we had
alot of 'NG', it just get better each time!!! Gamatae SPians for the talent time..
My eyes seem to get worse by now!!! It hurts everytime I blink... I kinda got fruastured
because of the pain. I somehow got reminded of the body, each part is connected so closely.
Whenever one feel pain, the rest will feel discomfort because of that pain. Then..what should I do??
I think gonna rest my eyes le!!! Of course to be an encourager to the people ard & ourself!
Simply love my sheep & shepherd,  the crazy & loud cripple beggars, my unit, my family, my mentor...
& my favourite companion, Jesus Christ....

You & Me

Image Preview

In this 2 years plus jounery with Christ,
It seemed as though life was rather like a bike ride
I noticed that Christ was in the back helping me pedal.

I don't know just when it was, He suggested we change places
But life has not been the same since then.

When I had control, I knew the way
It was rather boring, but predictable
It was the shortest distance between two points.

But when He took the lead
He knew delightful long cuts,
Up mountians and through rocky places,
At a breakneck speeds, all i could do is Hang On!!
Even though it looked mad & insane,
HE just said "Pedal"

I'm worried and was anxious.
In a doubtful mind, I asked "where are you taking me"
He laughed and didnt answer,
And I learn to trust.

I forgot my boring and meaningless life
And entered into the adventure.
When i'd say "i'm scared"
He'd lean back and touch my hand.

I am learning to trust and pedal to the strangest place.
I'm beginning to enjoy the view, and the cool breeze on my face.
With my beloved and faithful companion, Jesus Christ!!!!!

Shame? Guilt?
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Good Friday...Easter!!! What does this day symbolizes to you??
Today I went to join my fellow colleuage in CHC jurong west for a drama "A second chance".
Claps clap...it's a great drama. It shows back 2000 years ago, Jesus's life. From John 8 to the day
He was cruxify to His Resurrection. The one who acted as Jesus, I believe as he was acting
he feel the pain & joy. The moment that is deep in my heart, is the part where, Jesus is carrying the cross
to the place of skulls where He will be nail. Every step he took, He is whip by the romans solider, I see the scars,
I can't stop but wept. Every whip, every scars, I felt the pain right in my heart.
To all my friends:

Jesus is the answer
For the world today
Above him there's no other,
Jesus is the way

I'm somehow been thinking of topic of shame & guilt this day...

Guilt, because it emphasizes what someone did wrong, tends to elicit more constructive responses,particularly responses which seek to mend the damage done. Guilt is tied to beliefs about what is right and wrong, moral and immoral. When we violate one of these moral guidelines, it causes us to feel guilty over our actions and seek to fix what we have done (see cognitive dissonance). As a result, guilt is an important tool in maintaining standards of right and wrong in individuals and society as a whole. As such, guilt can often be used as a tool to overcome conflict.

Shame, on the other hand, emphasizes what is wrong with ourselves. It has a much more inward focus, and as such, leads shameful parties to feel poorly about themselves, rather than simply the actions they have taken. The result is often an inward-turning behavior -- avoiding others, hiding your face, removing yourself from social situations. Therefore, shame can be problematic, as it is often less constructive than guilt. In fact, shame can lead to withdrawal from social situations and a subsequent defensive, aggressive, and retaliatory behavior, which only exacerbates conflict, rather than alleviating it.

Shame can rob us from many things

(1) Rob us from having joy & peace
(2)Shame cause us to be anger & agression
(3) Shame cause physcological behaviour
(4) Withdrawal from people

** I believe that there's still alot what shame can do to us. One very significant thing I went thru is self-condemn, the painful period of my life. You know what shame lock us up..Lets break that shame barrier!!!!

=Happy Easter=

Friday, March 21, 2008

All of the sudden,
I just feel like doing nothing
Relaxing in the cool breezy beach
All of the sudden,
I just can't bring myself up to pray like before.
My mind is so tense
All of the sudden,
I do not have the faith to do things against the norm
A helpless heart that cries
All of the sudden,
I just wanna cry in the warm hands of My Father
Bringing out my burden to him
All of the sudden,
I just wanna said I Love you my friend
All of the sudden,
i thought is that me....
Yeap, is that me???
 When I shout, the Lord is here, when I cry, He 's comforting me.
When I suffer, He is carrying me.
When I just don't wanna listen, He sits there patiently by my side waiting for me.
When I pray, He answer me.
When I'm happy, He laugh with me.
What more could I said, but to Love Him with all my heart.
Lord, is just so difficult to keep going, without you. The most simple things yet the most difficult things to do.
Substain me oh Lord!!! I want more of You!!!............

Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's a tiring day today. Early in the morning, step into the office.....
"joella, how come this is not yet update"..."joella, can help me
to do eblast"..arrr. So many things come in one sort, i think I
have to learn to multitask in a faster way. To said the truth,
i like this job though everything seems very new to me.
Marketing ( rating 0), now shld be rating 4/10. Listening seems
easy, when it come to hands on...OMG it's like cracking my
brain juice to figure out, all the trial & error. I almost wanna
blow up...thank God for that peace & calmest to handle things.
If not, i dunno what i will be doing...heee

When I saw Elyse seems like everything is gone...
Just simply smile, sharing & laughter. Elyse, thanks
for being a part of my my life. In you, I see that
persisnt & faith, that never say die spirit. yEah!!
It's really an encouragement to me.

I can't stand le, it's 3.19am have to sleep!!!....zzZZ


You Act Like You Are 22 Years Old

You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life.

You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up.

The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them.

What Age Do You Act?

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm thinking, thinking & thinking..
There's a little girl in town, facing attack in her everyday life. Feeling very very tired
One day, she asked her dad:
girl: Dad, why do we have to face attacks & problem everyday??
Dad: [Silent, and He smile]... 
girl: I'm so tired & sad with the surrounding. Seeing people suffer, people killing each other, why does this gonna happen..
girl: my heart are battling, fighting, bleeding......
Dad: [Open his arm]... come to me, come to my side.....
....Her tears just flow, in that warm & caring arms.....
Here's my reply thru this song to you [A lyrics that speak my heart] :
Who am I
That You would know me from the start
Set me apart

Who am I
That You would place eternity
Into my heart

You have given to me
More than this world could give
My purpose is found in You

One life, I lay at Your altar
One love, I have with You
Touch me again
Fill me as You hold
My outstretched hands
One word, You know I will follow
One heart, broken to You
Use me again

Your mercies follow me
For all my days

In Your presence
In Your power
Holy Spirit, I surrender

The First Post!
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!
Will be updating regularly..
Wun break promise!
If not I will be strike by lightning.
Joella the Noob.

Guess Who's Lips are These?

God's child
God's children
God's Plan
God's blessings
God's mouldings
God's unspeakable truth

Pastor Ben
Pastor Jeff
Pastor Jasmine


March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008
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